A negative evaluation is synonymous with defeat. Disappointed customers usually express what they expected and how the company did not meet their expectations. This makes it possible to inform future consumers instead of simply refusing them. A bad review that is simply bad is another story, but no less impact on business. Creating fake reviews is completely unethical for me, so it should be a no-brainer, but just in case it doesn`t: I believe you should never try to get fake reviews. Fake reviews seem like a good idea to add positive reviews about your business. However, don`t post fake positive reviews to outweigh the negatives. It`s best to avoid creating or responding to fake reviews. Customers are skeptical about all five-star companies. Review sites will detect fake reviews and penalize businesses that publish.

For reasonable business owners, can bad reviews hurt your business income? Here are some other important statistics about the overall impact of online reviews: When it comes to reviews, the fact is that people are more likely to share their bad reviews than their good ones. A study by Dimensional Research found that respondents were 50% more likely to share bad interactions with a company than nothing at all on social media, with 52% more likely to share their experiences on a review site. You might be tempted to remove negative reviews or censor them. This is not a step you want to take. 62% of consumers say they won`t buy from a company that censors reviews. Make sure you build trust with your customers – past, present and future – and let them know you hear them and work to improve their experience. For this reason, if you want to build a successful small business in today`s market, you need to know how these websites can influence you, what they are, and what you can do about them. What if you think a review is defamatory? For example, if all of your employees call idiots or insult them for racial or sexual reasons, or if it`s defamation and actively makes false statements about your company as if they were facts, most review sites have options to respond to the complaint or report it to request removal. Be very careful with your language here; Be polite and stick to the facts.

Psychologically, since customers assume that nothing is perfect, a complete absence of negative reviews means that companies are burying the negative (not a good sign) or that the reviews are not legitimate at all, which can actually be even worse. Entrepreneurs can`t afford to ignore the massive impact of technology – or any other ubiquitous trend – on their business. Doing so – either out of stubbornness or ignorance – can certainly cause an institution to fail. Even if the company manages to persevere, it will never come close to reaching its potential. How do you ensure that your business is not one of the countless victims of a highly competitive and tech-savvy market? Read on. In addition, the BrightLocal survey found that 73% of consumers surveyed said they trust a local business more when it has positive feedback from customers, while 50% of consumers said negative customer feedback makes them question the quality of a business. The key to effectively managing online reviews is to respond as quickly as possible. This applies to both positive and negative reviews.

Most customers who leave a negative review simply want their experience recognized. So apologize and work to remedy their situation. This will often change their opinion and that of potential future customers who read reviews of your company, brand, and products. THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS DILUTION! Or in other words, you need to start collecting as many positive reviews as possible to offset the effect of a bad review. The QUANTITY of your reviews, combined with your overall rating, or the QUALITY of your reviews as a whole, are your secret weapon against the harmful effects of a bad rating. Not only do consumers trust companies with a good rating (4.0 stars or higher), but they also tend to ignore bad reviews if they only make up a small percentage of the total. A company with 20 reviews, including 5 bad reviews, has a problem A business with 120 reviews and 5 negative reviews is isolated from a potential customer who writes you off at a glance. And with the search speed these days, a glance is all you get! Some business owners seem to believe that every bad review is a personal reflection on the quality of their business. It should be borne in mind that these statistics do not take into account the negative word of mouth that results from reading one or more bad reviews. In reality, these percentages may underestimate the actual damage. I believe customers are more likely to leave negative reviews after a bad experience, so you need to be diligent in attracting positive reviews to relevant review sites.