Physical laws are the conclusions drawn on the basis of many years of scientific observations and experiments, repeated over and over again under different conditions, in order to arrive at the hypotheses that can be accepted worldwide. We all know that our world works according to certain principles, and these principles are drawn by our scientists in the form of certain physical laws. Some mathematical theorems and axioms are called laws because they provide a logical basis for empirical laws. The first principle simply states that the laws of physics apply equally to everyone in all situations. The second principle is the most important. It states that the speed of light is constant in a vacuum. Unlike all other forms of motion, it is not measured differently for observers in different inertial systems. Chemical laws are the laws of nature relevant to chemistry. Historically, observations have led to many empirical laws, although it is now known that chemistry has its foundations in quantum mechanics. Scientific laws or laws of science are statements based on repeated experiments or observations that describe or predict a number of natural phenomena. [1] The term law is used differently in many cases (approximately, precisely, widely or narrowly) in all fields of the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, earth sciences, biology).
Laws are made from data and can be developed further by mathematics; In all cases, they are based directly or indirectly on empirical evidence. It is generally accepted that they implicitly reflect causal relationships, although they do not explicitly claim them, which are fundamental to reality, and are discovered rather than invented. [2] More modern laws of chemistry define the relationship between energy and its transformations. Scientific laws summarize the results of experiments or observations, usually in a certain field of application. In general, the accuracy of a law does not change when a new theory of the relevant phenomenon is developed, but the scope of the law, since the mathematics or the statement that the law represents does not change. As with other types of scientific knowledge, scientific laws do not express absolute certainty, as do mathematical theorems or identities. A scientific law may be contradicted, restricted or extended by future observations. Like theories and assumptions, laws make predictions; In particular, they predict that new observations will comply with the given law.
Laws can be falsified if they contradict new data. A scientific law always applies to a physical system under repeated conditions, and it implies that there is a causal relationship affecting the elements of the system. Factual and well-supported claims such as “mercury is liquid at standard temperature and pressure” are considered too specific to be considered scientific law. A central problem in the philosophy of science, which dates back to David Hume, is the distinction between causal relations (as implicit by laws) and principles arising from constant conjunction. [6] Many laws take mathematical forms and can therefore be expressed as equations; For example, the law of conservation of energy can be written as Δ E = 0 {displaystyle Delta E = 0}, where E {displaystyle E} is the total amount of energy in the universe. Similarly, the first law of thermodynamics can be written as d U = δ Q − δ W {displaystyle mathrm {d} U=delta Q-delta W,}, and Newton`s second law can be written as F = {displaystyle F=} dp⁄dt. Although these scientific laws explain what our senses perceive, they are still empirical (acquired through scientific observation or experiment) and therefore not mathematical theorems that can be proved by mathematics alone. The postulates of special relativity are not “laws” per se, but assumptions of their nature with respect to relative motion. Newton`s three laws of motion, also found in “The Principia”, determine how the motion of physical objects changes. They define the fundamental relationship between the acceleration of an object and the forces acting on it.
When electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics are applied to atoms and molecules, some laws of electromagnetic radiation and light are as follows. The game changer that led to this change in perspective was string theory. At present, it is the only viable candidate for a theory of nature that can describe all particles and forces, including gravity, while obeying the strict logical rules of quantum mechanics and relativity. The good news is that string theory has no free parameters. It has no dials that can be turned. It makes no sense to ask what string theory describes our universe because there is only one. The lack of additional features leads to a radical consequence. All numbers in nature should be determined by physics itself. They are not “natural constants”, but only variables fixed by (perhaps insolvably complicated) equations. Isaac Newton`s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica recounts Einstein`s theories of classical mechanics and the theory of relativity. Other laws are the laws of thermodynamics and Boyle`s law of gas.
Conservation laws can be expressed using the general continuity equation (for a conserved quantity), which can be written in differential form as follows: The most fundamental concept in chemistry is the law of conservation of mass, which states that there is no detectable change in the amount of matter during an ordinary chemical reaction. Modern physics shows that it is energy that is conserved, and that energy and mass are linked; A concept that is becoming important in nuclear chemistry. The conservation of energy leads to the important concepts of equilibrium, thermodynamics and kinetics. Please visit the following page for the derivation of different physical formulas and laws: The laws can be summarized by two equations (since the 1. is a special case of the 2. i.e. zero resulting acceleration): Did nature have the choice to choose its fundamental laws? Albert Einstein believed that, given some general principles, there is essentially a single way to build a coherent and functional universe. According to Einstein, if we explored the essence of physics enough, there would be only one way in which all the components – matter, radiation, forces, space and time – would fit together to make reality work, just as the gears, springs, dials and wheels of a mechanical watch are uniquely combined to keep time. Some laws are only approximations of other more general laws and are good approximations with limited scope.
For example, Newtonian dynamics (based on Galilean transformations) is the low-velocity limit of special relativity (since the Galilean transformation is the slow approximation of the Lorentz transformation). Similarly, Newton`s law of gravity is a low-mass approximation of general relativity, and Coulomb`s law is an approximation of long-range quantum electrodynamics (relative to the range of weak interactions). In such cases, it is customary to use simpler and approximate versions of the laws instead of the more specific general laws. Often, two are given as “the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference” and “the speed of light is constant”. The second, however, is redundant because the speed of light is predicted by Maxwell`s equations. Essentially, there is only one. The different properties of the laws of physics that illuminate their nature are given below: The term “scientific law” is traditionally associated with the natural sciences, although the social sciences also contain laws. [11] For example, Zipf`s law is a law in the social sciences based on mathematical statistics. In these cases, laws may describe general trends or expected behaviours rather than being absolute. Source: www.hannibalphysics.wikispaces.comLaw of gravity: Objects attract each other with a force directly proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Therefore, for objects on or near the Earth, the mass of the Earth is much larger than the object, and therefore the gravitational force between them causes the objects to fall towards Earth. That`s why lead and spring fall so quickly into the void. Newton`s first law of motionA body continues in its state of rest, or uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is forced by printed external forces to change this state. It is also called the law of inertia. The speed of change of momentum is proportional to the force printed and takes place in the direction of the straight line in which the force acts. In other words, “force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration.” Newton`s Third Law of MotionFor every action, there is the same reaction and the opposite reaction. This is the principle behind the recoil that one feels when one presses the trigger of a weapon. The rate at which a body cools down or loses heat in its environment is proportional to the average excess of body temperature compared to that of the environment, provided that this excess temperature is not too great. A more dramatic conclusion is that all traditional descriptions of fundamental physics must be rejected.
Particles, fields, forces, symmetries – these are just artifacts of a simple existence at the forefront of this vast landscape of impenetrable complexity. Thinking of physics in terms of elementary building blocks seems wrong or at least limited in scope. Perhaps there is a radically new framework that unites the fundamental laws of nature and ignores all known concepts.