“He promised that no harm would befall him”; “What happened to my children?” There are too many accidents that can affect life on a single planet. Let me knowThe worst thing that can happen to me in this case. William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night`s Dream. In Tressan`s mind skipped the memory of what Garnache had promised to happen to him in such a case. The prophets spoke in the wind, and there was not a word of God in them; That`s why it will happen to you. Baseball is the game where you take responsibility every day for everything that has happened to others, but it`s not your fault. This shame happened to them, not because they deserve it, but because people love new faces. Joseph Addison, freeholder. The Supreme Court ruled in 1958 that the NAACP did not have to comply with Alabama`s request to list its donors because of the risk that donors could threaten if their names were revealed. FERC must also have sufficient energy to deal with a national emergency that could hit the entire power grid. He was in tears when he begged them to tell their own people to stay home and promised that no harm would happen to them. Do me the favor of fully expanding what has happened to you and what has happened to you so far.
William Shakespeare, Comedy of Errors. His daily letters document the desire and uncertainty that often haunt long-distance relationships and eventual separations. When John returns from his mission, tragedy catches up with him at such an immensely manipulative plot point that one might be tempted to call this film Tom Clancy`s Without Shame. A great calamity befell this gentle man. John Milton, Paradise Lost, born xi. Submit to the present evil, lest a greater one befall you. When something happens to you, it`s like bad luck is falling on you. An earthquake can strike a city. A terrible disease could affect a child.
Lightning could strike a very unhappy person. If something happens to you, you`re in trouble. Tragedies strike families in many of Shakespeare`s plays – that`s what makes them so funny. Bion asked an envious man, who was very sad, what damage had happened to him or what good had happened to another? Francis Bacon, Apophthegms. Afflicted Middle English, back to Old English befeallan (parallel to Old High German bifallan “fall”), from be- be- + feallan “fallEntry 1” Surely no man can deduce God`s love or hatred for a man from what happens to him in this world. John Tillotson. His simple little heart is filled with a sense of the disasters that befall the great and the strong. The children were paralyzed by the fear of Haque, who they knew had links to terrorists and who essentially told them that if they told someone what he was doing, they would suffer a violent fate.
I believe that is true, whatever happens; I feel it when I`m grieving the most; It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved. Information on neurological and psychological changes that may occur in young TBI victims is scarce. Something could happen to this untrained citizen at any time – where would the future of the name Kano lie? But I have come to teach you what will happen to your people in the last days, for the vision lasts for days. Phelps was executive producer of the HBO 2020 documentary Weight of Gold, which examined the mental health issues Olympic athletes often face after the Games. Don Corleone I am a superstitious man, and if Michael were to have an unfortunate accident – if he were to be shot in the head by a policeman or found hanged dead in a prison cell. or if he is struck by lightning – then I will blame some of the people in this room and I will not forgive. But in doing so, I promise – to the souls of my grandchildren – that I will not be the one to break the peace we have made today. be-fawl′, v.t. fall or arrive: happen.—v.i.
happen or happen: (Spens.) get in the way:—pr.p. Infestation; Pa.T. Befell′; Infestations Pa.P. [A.S. befeallan. See fall.] But since people`s affairs are still uncertain, let`s talk to the worst about what can happen. William Shakespeare, J. Cæsar. Infestation is an old-fashioned or literary way of saying something happened by accident. Bad luck befalls a heroine who drops her lucky rabbit`s paw. We are very happy to say that here at the Tower of London we now have four gorgeous chicks, the first time they were born in the Tower of London for over 30 years, we decided it would be a very good idea to see if we could actually raise crows ourselves in the Tower of London.
to secure our future. after all, legend tells us that if the ravens leave the Tower of London, it will collapse into dust and great damage will fall on the kingdom. Apart from a few fever checks and mask rules, Taiwanese have enjoyed a life largely protected from the heavy victims of the lockdown and isolation that have plagued the rest of the world. “Today happens to be my birthday”; “These things have happened” (Santayana) happen, happen or happen in the course of events or by chance Another doubt takes possession of me, lest the harm be done to you that is separated from me. John Milton, Parad. Lost, b. ix. matter; Example; Circumstance; Event; Incident; Accident. I revealed this discord which broke out over the prisoners and which was among the assimilated prisoners of war. John Milton, Parad.
Perdu, b. vi. This venerable man, who probably heard our Savior`s prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem, drew his Church from these unprecedented disasters that befell his countrymen. Joseph Addison, On the Christian Religion.