Employees of the provincial government of New Brunswick and employees of the public hospital and education sectors in this field are covered by this Act. This legislation, which is essentially modelled on the federal PSLRA, shares many of its restrictive elements. Unlike the PSLRA, binding arbitration of labour disputes is only possible by mutual agreement between the parties. The normal dispute resolution procedure leads to a conciliation board procedure, whereby employees may find themselves in a legal strike situation. The Institute recognizes the importance of keeping its members well informed in a timely manner and maintains an active website in www.pipsc.ca. The latest news is published immediately and other resources (copies of parliamentary pleadings, communications magazine, collective bargaining updates) are available. Legal opinions and consultations are prepared by legal experts on specific issues arising from government decisions and/or laws affecting all members, specific groups or individual members. If necessary, external legal counsel will be consulted. (c) In such cases, defence counsel shall be appointed by the Deputy Prosecutor General. If the employee has any doubts about the appointment of such counsel, he or she must bring the matter to the attention of the Assistant Attorney General for review by the Deputy Attorney General. The court-appointed lawyer represents the interests of the employee and the employer.
Visit www.pipsc.ca to see the full range of ServicePlus offerings in detail. Please feel free to come back as often as you like, but make sure you have your PIPSC membership number nearby, as access is exclusive to PIPSC members. If the parties cannot agree, a conciliator, mediator or arbitrator may be appointed to assist the parties in reaching an agreement. As a last resort, although rare, members can strike. The Institute maintains a strike fund to compensate members who participate in lawful and authorized strike activities. 12.11 A complaint in any of the above steps shall be deemed to have been filed by the employee on the day it is served personally on the person designated by the employer or sent by registered mail or electronic mail, as applicable. A complaint that is not filed by personal service must be addressed to the Office of the Deputy Prosecutor General. 17.06 For a period of one (1) year after an employee is dismissed, the employee`s name will be included on the lists of claims for which the employee is qualified.
11.05 The Committee shall deal with matters of mutual interest in order to facilitate harmonious relations between the employer and the Institute and its members. The Committee does not have the authority to change, supplement, supplement or modify the terms and conditions of this collective agreement. The OLRA applies to all Ontario employees in industries under provincial jurisdiction, with some exceptions (including Crown employees under the Public Service of Ontario Act, teachers, police officers and firefighters). (a) Persons previously excluded shall have the right, with the written consent of the Institute or its delegates, to lodge a complaint concerning the interpretation, application or administration of any condition granted to them under this Agreement. 23.04 Subject to operational requirements, the Employer shall endeavour to plan an employee`s leave at times and in the amount mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the Employee. (c) In the absence of a mutually agreed agreement on the permanent disability of an employee, a medical board shall be appointed for pension purposes. The Board of Directors shall be composed of one (1) physician appointed by the Institute, one (1) physician appointed by the employer and one (1) physician chosen by the two (2) physicians so appointed to preside. The committee thus constituted shall decide whether or not a worker is permanently disabled and its decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The costs of this committee are paid in the same way as if it were an arbitration committee.
If an employee`s permanent disability has been determined under the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act or the Canada Pension Act, a medical committee is not required under this section. Stewards are often invited to participate in union-management consultations. The purpose of these consultation meetings is to develop and maintain strong and harmonious relationships between unions and management and to enable members to participate more fully in the employer`s decision-making process. Stewards are also called upon to represent the Institute on occupational health and safety committees. The name, location and telephone number of the steward are posted on the union bulletin board.