It`s now with the app that you buy trilegally, see the results, know the rewards, and more. Watch the video below easily, conveniently and 100% safely. Another way that is known, and the conventional way of buying legal sorting, basically go to a point of sale of this certificate in pharmacies, newsstands, magazines, snacks, bazaars and other outlets. Have you ever thought about winning some of these prizes this Sunday? In addition, you will receive the coastal trilegal certificate that you bring to the APAES institution, several will be taken into account with your contribution. With this certificate, bettors change their lives every Sunday with valuable tickets, this capitalization title has permeated several bettors on Sunday. With only 10 reais, you can enter and consider this tip in sweepstakes, 0km cars, 0km bikes, travel vouchers and monetary values based on the rewards of the edition in which the buyer participated. Starting this week, day 27, Trilegal Tchê draws will be broadcast live on TV BAND at 09:00 and repeated on TV PAPA at 12:00. After processing to obtain the prize and with all requirements required by applicable law, the recipient of the right to participate in the contest will be made available within 15 working days. However, after the date of delivery of the documents requested for the conference, consult the regulations on the official website of the title of the contribution or go to the headquarters of Trilegal, located at: Avenida Borges de Medeiros – N° 2500, Room 606 – Porto Alegre / RS during the opening hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. Regarding compensation, he explained that “the commission was usually 10% on the sale; as sellers can take R$100.00 to R$200.00 per week, some have come to get much more.

They go through two modalities (Lucky Globe and Special Rounds) in which the bettor participates in all the draws indicated in the certificate in which he was able to participate, these two modalities correspond to the forms of Decree N 6.388/08 of SUSSP Circulars N 365/08 and 376/08. O Trilegal Tch㪠deste domingo de pÁscoa, 21, teve seus prãªmios principais para as cidades de Santa Cruz do Sul, SÃO Borja, Farroupilha, Ijuã, Jaguarãão, Rosário do Sul e Rio Grande, onde os moradores dividiram os valores da premiaã§Ão principal, que sorteou uma moto Kawasaki Ninja, uma Casa e uma Casa com um Fiat Mobi na garagem. Then it`s time to check the results of the legal sorting in the next paragraph with the dozens drawn in this Sunday edition, you can check the names of the recipients as well as the number of the certificate in which it was assigned. In the following sections, you will learn even more about this contribution certificate, trillegality results, its awards, how to get the prize and also how to contact this capitalization title and much more additional information. Initially, the draws will be conducted by Aplicap Capitalização S/A in the presence of an independent audit and with an auditorium open to the public to follow the entire draw on Sunday at 10am with a live broadcast on TV Record and TV PAMPA and other local radio stations. In this case, you can be sure that we will cover this topic to help you, but on the same page you can check the tri-legal results right after the draw of this price cap title. Those who acquire a certificate from Trilegal make a donation to Apae RS This partnership with Trilegal has already recorded fruits in about 90% of APSES in this project, with improvements in infrastructure, purchase of assistive equipment, programs focused exclusively on sport, culture and leisure, among others are models of projects that have already been carried out and you can get to know more happiness projects, that this institution did, go to the website and learn more: — Did you have any doubts or would you like to make suggestions to improve this title to capitalization? Therefore, please contact us via the phone number below. We will leave a source where the weather can come into contact. To get the price, there are some restrictions for the buyer to get your price and what are they? In the graphic below, we list the following documents that the recipient must present to Trilegal`s registered office.

Capitalization only for the interior of RS. Record live every Sunday at 9am on Band Tv, Tv Record and on our website. How about this week`s Legal Tri Awards? So in this section you will be very well informed, see below the prices you can take home with only R$ 15.00 (amount can change, indicated in the ticket for each issue). The draw for the Trilegal this Sunday (7/08) focused on a person from the Carboniferous region. The winner was Dulce Mara Machado Garcia of Triunfo, who received 5,000 reais in one of the rounds. The main prizes went to the cities of Canoas, São Leopoldo, Ivoti, Torres, Capaão da Canoa, Porto Alegre and Sapiranga. The names of the contest winners will be published on Trilegal`s website and app. Those who receive a tri-legal certificate donate to Apae RS and help provide health, wellness, education and social integration services to people with intellectual and multiple disabilities. Join the information portal group on Telegram and receive news from the region It is important to fill in this data correctly so that the administrative sector can meet you if the coastal trilegality modalities are taken into account. This makes it easier to pass the price to the recipient with your updated data, so it is very important to do this with your correct and updated data. Promote the improvement of the quality of life of all these people in their life cycle.

This certificate is a way to contribute to APAES RS in your projects so that you can get to know this charity by visiting the website at the email address in Have you ever thought about buying Tri Legal without having to leave the house? Now it has become even easier to contribute to APAES institutions and apply for multiple awards. 18° Prãªmio – ROQUELAINE BORGES – N⺠127852 – LAVA PÃS – ENCRUZILHADA DO SUL 8° Prãªmio – PEDRO SCHNEIDER – N⺠615753 – INTERIOR – ESTRELA EDENIR DA SILVA MOURA – SANTA CRUZ DO SUL | N° 123314 ADRIANA DE OLIVEIRA CARDOSO – INTERIOR – FARROUPILHA | N° 082947 14° Prãªmio – VALDETE DA SILVA SANOTS – N⺠596559 – CAXIAS DO SUL ADIR RAMA – SÃO JOÃO BATISTA – SÃO BORJA | No. 235088. JOÃO BATISTA CANABARRO – SÃO PAULO – IJUI | N° 183179 9° Prêmio – RAULINA PERES SILVEIRA – Nº 040270 – LOMBA – SÃO LOURENÃO DO SUL JORGE EUCLIDES DA R. – SOUTH | N° 221326 6° Prêmio – MARCELO RODRIGUES – N° 650505 – AMERIKA – RIO GRANDE ANGELA MARIA ARAUJO - SÃO BORJA | N° 234820 15° Prêmio – CARLOS ALBERTO PINHEIRO PACHECO – Nº 166122 – SÃO PEDRO DO SUL 2° Prêmio – ADELBAR RAMIRES DE LIMA – Nº 177879 – BOM FIM – SÃO GABRIEL 5° Prêmio – ANTONIO CARLOS ALMEIDA – Nº 157544 – PINHOS – SANTA VITÃRIA DO PALMAR. 1. Preis – DELCI GIASSON – Nº 515159 – TRÃS VENDAS – ERECHIM 12° Prêmio – JOÃO ADELIO ZINN – Nº 131135 – PASSO SOBRADO In den Auslosungen der Sonderrunden wurden zwei weitere Einwohner von São Borja in Betracht gezogen. 19ème Prêmio – JANAINE GONÃALVES DIAS – N⺠555028 – FRAGATA-PELOTAS RENATO GONÃALVES – CENTRO – RIO GRANDE | N° 447275 7° Prêmio – GERSON MACHADO RODRIGUES – N⺠223911 CENTRO – SANTANA DO LIVRAMENTO 11° Prêmio – ROSA MARIA G. CORRÃA – N⺠720682 – CIDADE ALTA – ITAQUI 17° Prêmio – JERSON SAMUEL BERNARDI – N⺠731791 – CENTRO – SÃO BORRJA 1 3 Prêmio – VALMIR MARTINS DOS SANTOS – Nº 011130 – SANTA CRUZ-VACARIA 16° Prêmio – ROGERIO AROZZI – N⺠599713 – INTÉRIEUR-FARROUPILHA 4° Prêmio – MARIA DE LURDES – Nº 732183 – RODOVIÃRIA – SÃO BORJA.