In May, Bindu made headlines when she announced she would be getting married, which would be the first case of sologamy in India. The first case of sologamy dates back to 1993, when Linda Baker, a dental hygienist, married in the United States. After that, several others followed suit, and for now, the act of getting married may not be popular, but it`s far enough away for many companies around the world to develop honeymoon and photo packages for it. Kshama Bindu, 24, an employee of a private company in Vadodara, plans to get married on June 11 in a cabinet called Sologamie. However, experts said “sologamy” or self-marriage would have no legal status in India. Moreover, Bindu is bisexual and has loved a woman and a man in the past, but decided that she had better give herself all the love now. When it comes to sologamy, psychologists say that publicly proclaiming self-love is also a way for a woman to overcome a failed love affair or heartbreak. Their self-esteem is at an all-time low right now and they need to start falling in love with themselves. A solo divorce was also reported last year when a Brazilian model, Cris Galera, 33, announced that she would end her solo marriage after just 90 days because she had fallen in love with someone else. Bindu has “only one thing” to say to critics, and that is that she is free to decide who she marries – whether it is a man, a woman or herself. Through her marriage, Bindu openly admitted that she wanted to normalize sologamy in the countryside. The legislator has stated that there is no law for such a marriage anywhere in the world. When asked about the marriage certificate, Kshama is confident of getting one.

Nowhere has it been said that sologamy is illegal. It was her decision to get married. She will apply for registration and marriage certificate. If that doesn`t happen, she could go to court. A symbolic marriage where you swear to maintain a meaningful, deep, and loving relationship with yourself is called sologamy, self-marriage, or autogamy. Another veteran lawyer, Chandrakant Gupta, said: “The Hindu marriage law uses the terminology `one or the other spouse`, which simply means that there must be two people to complete the marriage. Sologamy will never pass the legal test. But there are many critics who are against sologamy.

Some call it narcissistic and others criticize it as unnecessary submission to a patriarchal institution. Psychologists warn that while this can be a way to heal you from a broken romantic relationship, it`s important to make sure your other relationships are healthy. A 24-year-old Vadodara woman, Kshama Bindu, announced on Thursday (June 2nd) that she would marry later this month, in what she described as an “act of self-love”. The wedding, considered one of the first cases of self-marriage or “sologamy” in the country, is scheduled for June 11. About her intentions, Kshama Bindu said she wants to break stereotypes and inspire others who are tired of finding true love. Bindu, who identifies as bisexual, also said her marriage would be the first case of “sologamy” in India. Bindu`s announcement sparked a celebration of memes on social media, and a serious debate about sologamy also dominated major social media platforms. “Under Indian law, you cannot marry yourself. There must be two people in a marriage. Sologamy is not legal,” said Supreme Court Chief Counsel Krishnakant Vakharia. Kshama Bindu from Gujarat is a person whose name you would probably have heard or read about in recent days.

She was the first person in the country to marry, making her the only known case of sologamy in India. Yes, she could have lived without getting married. But what if she had this desire to be a bride? Kshama always wanted to be that beautifully decorated bride who stood at the Mandap and went through all the rituals to get married. But she never wanted to be anyone`s wife. Kshama has this idea of a Canadian web series. One character on this show says, “I want to be a bride, but not a wife.” That`s when she started researching sologamy. In addition, she was afraid to change if she married someone else. After marriage, it would have to change for that person for the better and the worse. And Kshama never wanted that. So there was only one way before Kshama, to marry someone and continue to live the life she wants. Then she decided to marry the most popular person in the world – herself.

This is how she came to the concept of sologamy. “Marry Yourself” in Canada offers wedding advice and photography, while in San Francisco offers soleogamy ceremonial kits, including wedding rings and vows. In Kyoto, Cerca Travel offers a two-day self-wedding package. There`s the company of New York performance artist Gabrielle Penabaz, who is dedicated to helping people plan their solo events. She claims to have “married” more than 1,500 people, usually in ceremonies like hers (she also got married) with model groups, costumes, cakes and, most importantly, vows.