Republican loyalty to the interests of the investor class has long existed. It is not about collecting medals, but rather about generating goodwill; Less fierce competition, more athleticism and loyalty. The story of this terrible hour is enlivened by many cases of indigenous fidelity. That Obama and the Democrats swear allegiance to their donors and voters should come as no surprise. Fidelity, solemn ritual acts in European society, by which a person became a vassal of a lord in feudal society. The tribute was essentially an acknowledgement of the tenure relationship that existed between the two. It was for the vassal following the. Fidelity, fidelity, fidelity, fidelity, devotion, piety mean fidelity to something to which one is bound by a commitment or duty. Fidelity implies strict and continuous fidelity to a commitment, trust or duty. Marital fidelity indicates that a citizen belongs to his or her country. Oath of allegiance Swear fidelity Faithfulness implies fidelity recognized by the individual and as convincing as a vow under oath.

Fidelity to the truth Loyalty implies unwavering fidelity to any temptation to renounce, abandon or betray it. Appreciation of the loyalty of one`s friends Devotion emphasizes zeal and service that equates to giving oneself. A painter`s dedication to his artistic piety emphasizes fidelity to obligations considered natural and fundamental. Filial piety And Richard lifted everyone up, kissed them on the mouth, and promised love and protection as long as they observed fidelity. From: Fidelity in The Oxford Companion to Family and Local History In the 1980s, however, the tide had turned against the doctrine of fairness when fidelity to market fundamentalism and conservative ideology was on the rise. Hakon swore allegiance to the king and also to render him the service he had to render him. The vassal owed loyalty to his master. A breach of this duty was a crime which was regarded as such a heinous offence that in England all serious crimes, even those which had nothing to do with feudalism proper, were called crimes, as they were, in a sense.

In The Use of Law, published posthumously in 1629, Francis Bacon writes: « Fidelity means to take an oath on a book that he will be a faithful tenant of the king. » This is a fairly accurate summary of the original meaning of fidelity. The earliest forms of the term were used in Middle English around 1300 when they specifically referred to a vassal`s loyalty to a lord. Eventually, the meaning of the word expanded. Fidelity can be given to a country, principle, or ruler of any kind – although the synonyms fidelity and loyalty are more commonly used. Fidelity comes from the Anglo-French word feeltã or fealtã©©, which comes from the Latin fidelitas, which means “fidelity”. These words ultimately derive from fides, the Latin word for “faith”. They called Republican bosses and their supporters because of their loyalty to the Stalwart tradition.

Therefore, the oath of allegiance was a personal obligation and investiture was necessary before the new quarrel took possession. My own loyalty goes to the majestic Kaske, under whose direction I studied Gregory the Great`s 4,000-page commentaries on the Book of Job. Harwood realized that he had to either flatly refuse or declare his loyalty in a nutshell. In feudal law. Allegiance; loyalty to the feudal lord of the manor; the feudal obligation of the tenant or vassal, by which he was bound to the faithful and faithful to the Lord and rendered him obedience and service. See I)e I`oyster v. Michael, 0 N. Y. 497. 57 hours. December 470. Fidelity means loyalty, the expression “foal and Leal” simply means “faithful and loyal”.

The tenants by the chivalrous services and also the tenants of Socage had to swear an oath to the king or to others, their immediate masters; and fidelity was one of the conditions of their mandate, the violation of which resulted in the loss of their property. Although foreign jurists consider loyalty and homage as a convertible tone, in some continental countries they are so mixed that they do not constitute a commitment, but they should not be confused in our country, because they do not involve the same tiles. Immunity from recognition of property and fidelity, the vassal oath of fidelity, which is the essential feudal bond, and the life-giving principle of a fief without which it could not exist. Wharton. Garland just needs to show independence and fidelity to equal justice before the law, and that will be an improvement. It was difficult to claim allegiance to fiscal conservatism when the party had consistently contributed significantly to the creation of massive deficits. Middle English felt, fealtye, borrowed from Anglo-French feeltã, fealtã©©, back in Latin fidÄlitÄt-, fidÄlitÄs “fidelity, loyalty” to more in fidelity The mayor`s boldest land use proposal proposed at the exit is still true to the city`s centuries-old commitment to single-family homes. Music theme by Joshua Stamper 2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP Powered by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd©ed., and The Law Dictionary. Our editors will review what you have submitted and decide if the article needs to be revised. 5th Earl of Salisbury, Richard Neville (1400–1460) Magnate .