Qulibet ecclesia congregetur et eligat ex se ipsa unum plenum fide et Spiritu Dei. Some of my brethren may be troubled, as if by feverish signs; They would make you bleed – even ad plenum rivum – forgive Latin. This definition of Plenum Dominium is based on The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread. A discussion of this kind is perhaps more than any other periculosae plenum opus aleæ; But it is too important to be overlooked. Nature is a plenum, it is finite, and the divine record with it is closed; But man is just a chick in the bud. The referendum law is approaching the status of the Basic Law after a vote in plenary. I put the tile aside and feel a cold surge tickle my nose as a shiver rises from the exposed plenum under the floor. A thermostat is placed in the temperate part of the plenary hall to maintain the correct temperature of the temperate air.

My last merit I reject you, I refuse to give of myself what I really am, complete worlds, but never try to kiss me, I pushed your sweetest and best by simply looking at you. Writing and speaking do not prove me, I carry the plenum of evidence on my face, With the silence of my lips I completely confuse the skeptic. A type of network cabling that meets the National Electrical Code plenum assessments. These cables are safer in the event of a fire and produce less smoke and fumes. lat in civil law. Freehold; The property united in one thing with the usufruct. Calvin a meeting of a legislative body where all members are present An enclosed space with more than atmospheric pressure. A legislative session (especially of the Communist Party) attended by all members.

the state in which each part of space is supposed to be full of matter; – unlike vacuum, the space above a false ceiling used for cables, ducts, etc. A state of abundance, a large amount (of something). The unlimited right of the owner to use his property as he sees fit, without being accountable to anyone. Latin: In civil law. Freehold; the property of a thing combined with the Calvin usufruct. borrowed from the Latin plÄnum, a name derived from neuter from plÄnus “full”; (meaning 1a) according to its use in the book Lucullus of Cicero`s Academica to designate a space completely filled with matter (distinguished from empty or empty or empty space); (Meaning 2) apparently first of its use in Sweden in the eighteenth century to designate an assembly of all members of the Riksdag – more at the complete entrance 1 an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside.