During the consultation, you can discuss your legal concerns with the lawyer at no additional cost. The lawyer can answer your questions and talk to you about the legal fees required for additional services. When you call the Lawyer Placement and Information Service, you will be asked which district you are calling. Lawyer Recommendation staff will ask you to briefly explain your problem (any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential). After listening to your problem, the service will take your name, address and phone number. You will then receive the name of a lawyer in your area who will practice in your area of need. It is your responsibility to contact the lawyer to make an appointment to discuss your legal problem. The service does not make appointments for callers. When you call, the qualified staff will ask you a few questions to determine the type of lawyer you need.
The information you provide is completely confidential. If necessary, the service will refer you to a lawyer for a half-hour consultation for a $35 consultation fee. Lawyers participating in the service agreed to offer an initial consultation of up to half an hour for a fee of $25. During the first visit, you and the lawyer discuss your problem. If it is determined that you have a legal problem, it is up to you to make another appointment or authorize the lawyer to take action against your problem. Any fees in excess of the initial consultation fee will be determined between you and the lawyer. If you are referred to a lawyer through the lawyer placement service, the lawyer will offer you a half-hour consultation for $35. (Free consultations are available for personal injury, social security, medical malpractice, veterans and military law, unemployment or workers` compensation.) During your visit with the lawyer, you and the lawyer will discuss your case and decide what action, if any, to take.
There is no obligation on your part to hire the lawyer, nor is there any obligation on the part of the lawyer to take on your case. If the lawyer agrees to represent you, he will charge you his regular rates. “The lawyer referral consultant went out of his way to find the right reference for a complicated problem.” The Lawyer Guidance and Information Service provides special assistance to veterans throughout the state. If necessary, veterans receive a referral to a lawyer who offers free advice and services for reduced attorney fees. If it suits you, you can hire the lawyer for legal services. If you need to find a lawyer in New York State, consider the benefits of a lawyer placement service sponsored by the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA). Other local bar associations also sponsor their own referral services for lawyers in New York. “LRS takes the time to understand your legal issue and direct you to the appropriate service to ensure you are taken care of.” The Lawyer Placement Service helps individuals and businesses find a lawyer in 44 boroughs of New York State. Remittances are made nationwide, except in the following counties: Albany, Bronx, Broome, Dutchess, Erie, Kings, Monroe, Nassau, New York, Onondaga, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Westchester. If NYSBA LRIS does not have a lawyer recommendation that meets your needs, it may be able to provide you with contact information for a lawyer placement service that can better assist you.
In addition, at the bottom of this page, you will find information about other legal placement services sponsored by the city and state bar associations in counties not served by NYSBA LRIS. When you call (1-800-342-3661) the New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS), you will be asked which county you want to call from and where in New York you want to see an attorney. LRIS staff will ask you to describe your problem. Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. SILR consultants are not lawyers and therefore cannot give you legal advice, but they will help you find the right resource for your situation. In the event that we do not offer lawyer referrals in your district, we will provide you with contact information for a lawyer placement service that does. An expert opinion from the New York State Bar explains that fee-splitting agreements can create a risk of interference by the non-lawyer and induce the non-lawyer to influence the lawyer`s professional judgment. Op. No.
679, N.Y. State Bar Ass`n Comm. on Prof`l Ethics, 1996 WL 421797 (1996). The statement further explains that “this general and black rule is intended to exclude any financial agreement where the gain or loss of a non-lawyer is directly related to the success of a lawyer`s legal transaction.” Op. No. 679, N.Y. State Bar Ass`n Comm. on Prof`l Ethics. Such legal and ethical issues are generally avoided in New York State by using legal placement services administered by local bar associations. If you don`t have a lawyer and think you have a legal problem, the answer may be as convenient as your phone. The New York State Bar Association`s Lawyer Referral and Information Service is here to help.
Just choose. At Lawyer Legion, we understand the importance of referral services for lawyers in New York. These non-profit community services offer an alternative to using an online lawyer directory or searching for a lawyer on the Internet. “I am writing to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for your recommendation.” If you can`t afford a lawyer, a legal aid association may be able to help. Visit lawhelpNY.org for more information. from anywhere in upstate New York. This number puts you in direct contact with the Lawyer Referral and Information Service, which is maintained by the New York State Bar Association as a public service. The placement and information service for lawyers is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Remember, if you have a legal problem, you should have legal representation. The Lawyers` Placement and Information Service is intended for anyone who can afford the services of a lawyer. People who have a legal problem and cannot afford a lawyer should contact their municipal legal aid office.
In most cases, the first referral requires a $35 consultation fee. The $35 consultation fee is waived for certain types of cases, including Social Security, bodily injury, medical malpractice, veterans and military law, unemployment or workers` compensation. The Bronx County Bar Association`s lawyer referral service serves Bronx, New York, Queens and Westchester counties. Do you need a lawyer in another part of the country? Find the Lawyer Referral Program in this geographic area in the ABA National Directory. New York Law School Legal Services, Inc. 185 West Broadway New York, NY 10013 (212) 431-2338 “is the easiest way to find the right lawyer for your needs.” LRIS member lawyers make themselves available for a one-time meeting at a discounted price and charge a fee of no more than $35 for an initial 30-minute consultation. Lawyers who participate in our panels charge $35 or less for the first 30 minutes of deliberation. The Capital District Women`s Bar Association`s lawyer referral services serve Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Columbia, Troy and Greene counties. The New York State Bar Association`s Lawyer Referral and Information Service is here to connect you with our panel of trusted and approved lawyers. Syracuse University College of Law Securities Arbitration Consumer Law Clinic MacNaughton Hall, Suite 306 Syracuse, NY 13244-1030 (315) 443-4582 (315) 443-3636 (fax) Pace University School of Law John Jay Legal Services Investor Rights Clinic 78 North Broadway White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 422-4333 (800) 836-7223 (914) 422-4391 (fax) The Dutchess County Bar Association`s lawyer referral service serves all of Poughkeepsie, New York and surrounding area in Dutchess County.
In addition, below is a list of clinics and legal programs where you could get more information: Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Securities Arbitration Clinic 55 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003 (212) 790-0200, ext. 6646 (212) 790-0256 (fax) Enter your location in the box below and we`ll find the best way to get there. Fordham University School of Law Securities Litigation and Arbitration Clinic 150 West 62nd Street, 9th Floor New York, NY 10023 Professeur Paul Redvany (212) 636-6934 radvany@law.fordham.edu (Paul Radvany) Der Lawyer Referral Service der Monroe County Bar Association bedient Rochester, New York, dans le comté de Monroe, und die umliegenden Gebiete von Genesee County, Livingston County, Ontario County, Orleans County, Comté de Wayne et comté du Wyoming. Sollten Sie Hilfe bei der Suche nach einem persönlichen Anwalt benötigen, rufen Sie den Legal Referral Service unter (212) 626-7373 an (gemeinsam gesponsert von der Association of the Bar of the City of New York und der New York County Lawyers Association). Albany Law School Securities Arbitration Clinic 80 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208 (518) 445-2328 www.albanylaw.edu. Counties served by other programs: Albany, Bronx, Brooklyn, Broome, Dutchess, Erie, Monroe, Nassau, New York, Oneida, Onondaga, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester. Hundreds of lawyers with experience in more than 40 areas of law. “Exactly what you need when you`re most vulnerable.